19+ Fishing Q Wow
Pictures. I received the dojani eel on the following casts: Others have posted that it is not worth it, if not at max fishing, but it can be done;
Added in world of warcraft: And it also helps to level your fishing at the same time. Please post anything new you find on the forums (or email).
Welcome to wowhead's classic profession guide for fishing.fishing is one of three secondary professions in classic, alone with and cooking.being a secondary profession means that it can be learnt in addition to two primary professions, which include professions such as herbalism and alchemy.just like other professions, the maximum fishing skill is 300.
It uploads the collected data to wowhead in order to keep the database. Expected major fishing changes in the new patch 3.0.2 (to be confirmed): *two faces enhanced design, realistic 3d eyes and detailed holographic body construction. Rewards seth's graphite fishing pole.